No charges for man who shot robbery suspect in grocery store

MILWAUKEE -- The citizen who took out his gun and shot an armed robbery suspect inside a Milwaukee grocery store will not be criminally charged.

The incident happened around 7 p.m. Monday at the Aldi store near 76th and Villard on the city's north side. Police say the suspect came into the Aldi store armed with a shotgun, with the intent to rob the store, but the suspect left empty-handed. 35-year-old Nazir Al-Mujaahid pulled out his weapon, and shot the suspect.

The Milwaukee County District Attorney's office tells FOX6 News surveillance video from within the store vindicates the Al-Mjaahid. It shows he was first protecting his pregnant wife and then shot the suspect.

Al-Mujaahid is a concealed carry license holder, but the district attorney's office says that did not play into the decision on whether to charge him.

In a news conference Friday morning, Al-Muhaahid said it was fate that he was in the Aldi store when he was. He believes had he known that guns were not allowed in that store, he would have never shopped there -- because of his concealed carry beliefs.