Apple Holler celebrates great crop, shares with family in need

STURTEVANT (WITI) -- Apple Holler in Sturtevant has had a good year -- and now the business is looking to share the wealth.

“We've been blessed this year with an unusually large apple crop. Probably the biggest we've had in 26 years here,” said owner David Flannery.

And now Flannery and his employees have decided to share those blessings- specifically with the Logue family from St. Francis. For three days, November 6th through the 8th, half of all the apple proceeds will be donated to the Logue family through 'Apples for Annabelle'.


On October 25th, the Logues lost their daughter Annabelle to a rare heart and lung disease called Alveolar Capillary Dysplasia. Annabelle was only 29 days old.

“She was perfectly healthy, we thought, when she was born. Nothing made us think otherwise until she was 6 days old,” said Susan Logue, Annabelle’s mom, “You never think it will happen to you.”

“I can't imagine what that would be like to lose a child. My heart goes out to her,” said Karen Schoopman who traveled from Illinois to help Annabelle’s cause.

The money raised through “Apples for Annabelle” will help with the medical expenses and funeral costs the Logue’s are now dealing with.

“The generosity of people, it really amazes me that people are willing to help. Help us out,” said Logue, “It really shows you the kindness people have.”

“Apples for Annabelle” will last until Friday, November 8th at Apple Holler, 9am to 4pm each day. There is also a discount on the apples: it`s $10 for a 1/2 bushel and $20 for a bushel. Half of all the proceeds will go to Annabelle’s cause.

To learn more about Annabelle’s cause, go to