Celebrating American Education Week in Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- When cuts are made in education, often programs like music, art and physical education are among the first to go. On Tuesday, November 19th, Greenfield School in Milwaukee was recognized for hanging on those programs; something that is becoming increasingly rare in the city.

“There are a lot of challenges in Milwaukee and in schools across Wisconsin right now as they are facing cuts in the millions and millions of dollars,” said Becky Pringle, NEA Secretary Treasurer. “But I tell you what, I feel such a sense of pride and inspiration that they are not going to give up.”

Becky Pringle visited Greenfield School from Pennsylvania as part of the National Education Association, or NEA, an organization that works to advance the cause of public education. She joined NEA members from other parts of the state and city to celebrate American Education Week and recognize what's happening in schools like Greenfield.

“We think it's important to point out all the good things that are happening in the public schools. It's important to celebrate our successes,” said Bob Peterson, the Milwaukee Teachers Education Association President.

One of Greenfield's successes was recognized as teamwork on the part of teachers, parents and the administration.

“If we put our efforts into all schools in this way I think we can make sure that all public schools in Milwaukee are successful,” said Peterson.

That success has been translated into something the visitors have taken notice of -- pride.

“I've talked to all the teachers and the principal here this morning and the pride they have in the school is tied to what makes a school successful,” said Betsy Kippers, the Wisconsin Education Association Council President visiting from Racine.

The NEA said that all that makes Greenfield School an example to follow and celebrate.

The school's library was also given a surprise check for $500 dollars from the NEA.