Up in the air: FOX6's Ted Perry gets chance to fly with Navy's Blue Angels

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The U.S. Navy's Blue Angels are in town gearing up for this weekend's Milwaukee Air and Water Show on the lakefront. But before everything moves forward, some members of the media (including FOX6's Ted Perry) got the opportunity to fly with this precision team.

Take a look at some of the pictures from Ted's journey with the Blue Angels.

There was a bit of a running joke in the newsroom this week as Ted geared up for his Blue Angels flight. Would he puke? Would he pass out? Both?

As it turned out, Ted was just fine. A little weak-kneed, and a bit exhausted -- but he says it's 45 minutes he will never forget!

Ted rode in the back of an F-A 18 Hornet piloted by Lt. Ryan Chamberlain on Tuesday afternoon, June 17th.

In that time, the two hit speeds of more than 700 mph!

They flew inverted over Lake Michigan and experienced both negative and positive G's that can't be described.

The Blue Angels fly in dozens of air shows every year, and while they are the glamorous face of the Navy and Marines, they represent those serving in the military around the world.

"You got to experience what it's like to fly with Navy and Marine Corps. You got to see some Blue Angels maneuvers, some flight maneuvers to experience an F-18 from a civilian perspective and to see what men and women are doing all over the world right now to support forces -- deployed forces," Lt. Chamberlain said.

As you can tell from one of the photos in the gallery just above, a GoPro camera was pointed right at Ted during his flight with the Blue Angels.

Tune in to FOX6's Studio A on Wednesday to see the preparation it takes to get ready for such a ride -- ahead of this weekend's Air and Water Show along Milwaukee's lakefront.

CLICK HERE for more information on Milwaukee's Air and Water Show.