It's time to do some spring cleaning in your kitchen cabinets, pantry

MILWAUKEE -- When you reach into the cabinet or pantry, do you push aside other ingredients and spices to get the things you really need? Well, now is the time to clean out your cabinet and use those ingredients. Food enthusiast John Vanderlinde joined the Studio A team with some tips.

RECIPE: Spring clean Santa Fe Baked Rice Bowl

About John Vanderlinde (from website)

I am a 21-year-old food enthusiast, currently residing in the Milwaukee area. My love for food came from cooking with my grandparents in their restaurants. At age 15, I was hired at a local country club as a prep cook and I worked my way up to being a pastry chef. This inspired me to go to pastry school, from which I graduated and I began my career as a private and personal chef. Working as a private and personal chef gives me the opportunity to be creative. I also started a YouTube channel, and this allows me to share my passion for food with others, while connecting with a variety of viewers.