"Make sure your team is prepped:" First responders take part in forcible entry training

DELAFIELD -- With multiple calls a day, first responders need the best equipment and training possible to try and save lives. FOX6 takes a look into how many get the training needed to force entry into a building.

5 Alarm Fire & Safety

When seconds matter, the first responders rely on their equipment and training to do their job.

"Different scenarios, different situations, you want to make sure your team is prepped, knows how to work with the tools they're given and being able to size up a scene and say I know how we can accomplish that," said 5 Alarm Fire & Safety President Gerry Fleisher.

This is just one of many tools firefighters use when trying to gain entry into a locked door. And this weekend, a handful of firefighters from around the region get hands-on forcible entry training.

5 Alarm Fire & Safety

"It's just one more tool in their toolbox that makes them a better firefighter and their fire department better," said Fleisher.

Gerry Fleisher

Several unique scenarios were worked through during the training including forcible entry through a metal door and picking and breaking various types of heavy duty locks.

"It can be tricky sometimes, especially if things are on fire, you gotta move fast and do it right," said Laura Kalschuer, Hartland firefighter.

5 Alarm Fire & Safety

Laura Klacheur has trained at 5 Alarm before, and returned on Saturday to learn more specialized skills.

5 Alarm Fire & Safety

"The nice thing about coming here for just an extrication or any of the classes, we get repetitive all in one day, you get to do this and that and you get to see what works best for you and for your department. Where normally at a practice you get a one or two rotation so you don't get to practice as much as what they have available here," said Klacheur.

The class is offered monthly at 5 Alarm Fire & Safety however, they also offer on-location forcible entry classes where they bring the training to your department.

If you'd like more information on how your fire department can participate, CLICK HERE.