75+ retailers already committed to closing on Thanksgiving Day

MILWAUKEE -- Thanksgiving is fast approaching -- and has already compiled a list of stores that will not be open on the holiday.

Thanksgiving falls on November 23rd, 2017. According to, at this time, more than 75 stores will close their doors on Thanksgiving, and some will also be closed on Black Friday.

Below is the official list of stores that will be closed on Thanksgiving Day in 2017. personally confirmed the closed status with a representative from each of these retailers, and the list will be updated daily as more stores make their decision. notes that "as they do every year during the holiday shopping season, things can drastically change. Certain stores may decide to open on Thanksgiving this year, and other retailers may decide to close. As REI proved a few years ago, there is even a chance that a major retailer or two decides to close on Black Friday, but we have our doubts that it will be any of note in 2017."

    According to the website, H-E-B will be closing early on Thanksgiving.

    They've also offered a list of stores expected to close on Thanksgiving -- which haven't yet been confirmed as closing:

      Through their research, officials have found that the majority of stores that are closing are doing so to allow employees a chance to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with their families, noting that "in many cases, stores are losing money by deciding to close on Thanksgiving Day, which is admirable for the cause."

      Interestingly, website officials have discovered the following customer attitudes on stores being open on Thanksgiving:

        That means 57.53 percent of respondents do not like the idea of stores opening on Thanksgiving. With 26.25 percent being indifferent, only 16.22 percent actually favor openings.

        In some states, closing on the holiday is required by law.

        According to, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Maine have blue laws that prohibit the majority of retailers from opening on Thanksgiving Day. While certain exceptions (restaurants, gas stations, food stores) exist, most of the major stores that we cover will be closed on Thanksgiving in those three states. This creates a rush at around midnight or 1:00 a.m. on Black Friday morning that is comparable to how things used to be before Thanksgiving openings became so popular.

        CLICK HERE for much more on Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday shopping via