Young woman defies odds after being struck by lightning at Country Thunder

Brittney Prehn

KENOSHA COUNTY -- The young woman struck by lightning at the Country Thunder Music Festival spoke with FOX6 News Thursday, Sept. 13 about that life-changing moment in July.

Her steps shaky, her body covered in scars, and her hearing partially gone, Brittney Prehn, 22, shouldn't even be alive.

"It's a miracle. I didn't really let it sink in what happened probably until recently," said Prehn.

On July 20, the Woodstock, Illinois woman was attending Country Thunder in Twin Lakes, when lightning struck as she was talking on the phone.

Brittney Prehn

"When it hit, it hit me in the head on the side that I was talking on the phone, but my phone like, flew and took part of the bolt with it," said Prehn.

The electricity traveled through the right side of her body, exiting out her toes and burning Prehn from the inside out.

While she continues to experience ongoing health issues, including leaking spinal fluid and severe hip pain, Prehn said she believes there's a reason she was that one-in-a-million who was struck by lightning and survived.

Brittney Prehn

Brittney Prehn

"I'd rather it be me than one of those little kids there. Or we saw pregnant people there. Or people who don't have a support system like I do at home. Or someone who doesn't have the will to fight. I did and I do," said Prehn.

She has defied the odds, and inspired others to refuse to let what's out of our control define us.

"I want them to see that no matter what happens and what life throws at you, you can do it," said Prehn.

Prehn goes to physical therapy every week. She's hoping to get a hearing implant in October to repair some of the hearing loss. And in a year, Prehn wants to finish college and become a special education teacher.