Companies show off 'smart' gun designs at MATC Firearm Safety Expo

Milwaukee Firearm Safety Expo

OAK CREEK -- The latest in gun safety technology was on display at the "Firearm Safety Expo" at Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC) South on Wednesday, Jan. 16.

Police officers, politicians and entrepreneurs filled the room to talk about a topic that can be controversial.

"When you hear those things, a lot of times people immediately think 'oh, they're trying to get my guns.' They don't want this. There's a political agenda," said Chief Barry Weber, Wauwatosa Police Department.

However, at the expo, nobody was talking politics -- just technology.

Milwaukee Firearm Safety Expo

Milwaukee Firearm Safety Expo

"How can you be against safety?" Weber questioned.

Eight companies from across the globe presented their latest designs aimed at making guns safe. "Safety First Arms" created a handle that can be attached to an AR-15. The gun doesn't work unless you have the PIN number. It also has an added protection against theft.

"When we have the alarm in here, you have to put in your PIN code, and if you don't, then within 10 seconds of picking up the gun, the motion of picking up the gun will start off the alarm. Somebody's not going to walk off with it," said Bob Allen, Safety First Arms.

Milwaukee Firearm Safety Expo

Other technology doesn't change the gun itself, but rather, how you store it. "Reach" is a one-holster, meant to be installed in your car or next to your bedside. It reads your fingerprint, meaning only you have access to  your gun.

Milwaukee Firearm Safety Expo

There's a similar idea behind all of the technology -- keeping guns out of the hands of children and criminals.

"If there's something that somebody could do to make the technology as such where maybe we save just one or two, then it's worth it," Weber said.

The event was part of an initiative called "Do Not Stand Idly By" -- a nationwide campaign advocating for gun safety.

Milwaukee Firearm Safety Expo