'Inform, educate, entertain and compete:' Preview of Wisconsin Highland Games

WAUKESHA -- Break out the kilts -- the Wisconsin Highland Games are back! Christina spent the morning in Waukesha with a preview of all this weekend's fun.

About Wisconsin Highland Games (website)

Wisconsin SCOTTISH Inc., is a non-profit, tax-exempt Wisconsin Corporation. We were chartered to preserve the traditions, culture and heritage, as well as the arts and crafts of the British Isles. We accomplish this goal through educational and community activities such as the annual Wisconsin Highland Games.

The Highland Games and our other events provide a forum for traditional artisans and athletes, professional and amateur alike, to inform, educate, entertain and compete. These activities help to create an environment where their arts and abilities may be appreciated by a great number of people.

The fun and friendship doesn't stop with the Highland Games! During the year you will find us participating in various community events. Some of these include the St. Patrick's Day parade, Candy Cane Lane, Cancer Walks, Hockey Games, and Brewer Games. Also, we have our membership meetings, pub crawls, and our annual Holiday Party which offers another chance to socialize. Become a member today!