A gym that bio-hacks your body into shape

Rich recently checked out a gym that bio-hacks your body into shape!

Typical gyms feature weights, cardio equipment and maybe some classes, but recently I visited a new type of gym which uses the latest technology to trick the mind and body into shape through the use of bio-hacks!

The gym is called Upgrade Labs and the location we visited is tucked away in a posh Beverly Hills hotel.

Upgrade Labs specializes in bio-hacking the body. “We use the most leading-edge technology to help your brain and body perform better in less time,” said Amanda McVey who works with Upgrade Labs.

The gym was started Dave Asprey of Bulletproof coffee fame; the gym focuses on the brain, fitness and recovery.

I tried various stations like a warm-up machine that combines a vibration plate with light therapy. “It’s going to help if there’s any inflammation or pain in the body,” explained McVey.

This cheat machine crams a full hour of weightlifting workout into just a few minutes.

“It’s going to read your body second by second giving you the exact right amount of resistance to make sure that it can really train your muscles,” said McVey.

I felt the burn on that one but the bike, I wasn’t so sure!

It uses AI to trick your body into thinking a 9-minute workout is more like 45 minutes! Plus, I barely broke a sweat!

Up next, I felt the unique sensation of a pulsed electromagnetic field machine. “It simulates the earth’s magnetic field and all of its healing benefits, which is incredibly healing for your cells, it energizes them,” said McVey.

It felt strange and you can feel your body physically reacting, but I left wanting more!

Next, it’s a stop in the big squeeze pants for a detox massage.

Finally, it’s off to the red charger for a burst of light-based healing. “It improves the tone and texture of your skin, improving fine lines and wrinkles,” said McVey.

I was skeptical at first, but I left Upgrade Labs feeling awake and energized, even ready to go back for more! This technology is expensive but I have no doubt it will be available in more mainstream gyms in the future!