For more than 40 years El Rey has been a Hispanic neighborhood grocery store
Brian is getting a behind the scenes look at how they make so many tasty tamales.
MILWAUKEE - For more than 40 years El Rey has been a Hispanic neighborhood grocery store, but you can also find their tortillas, chips and tamales all over Milwaukee. Brian is getting a behind-the-scenes look at how they make so many tasty tamales.
It’s Taco Tuesday and with Cinco De Mayo tomorrow you may want to grab some tortillas for tacos
Brian is at El Rey learning about their traditional Mexican tortilla recipe that uses Wisconsin corn.
When it comes to tortillas chips, El Rey’s traditional, lemon and chipotle sour cream chips are some of the area’s best
Brian is gearing up for Cinco De Mayo and checking out the company’s chip production.
Looking for a tasty tamale? Brian can help
He’s at El Rey Food Mart where the tamales we saw being made earlier this morning are now being mixed with other traditional Hispanic dishes in their hot deli.
Mango, Papaya, Lime, and Orange just some of the fresh juices you can add to a drink of your choice at El Rey Food Market
Brian is looking for some liquid nourishment this morning at the market’s juice bar.