Bride and groom from Nebraska join search for Tom Hecht

MILWAUKEE -- Thursday was Day Five in the search for 28-year-old Tom Hecht - missing since Saturday, March 10th. Hecht was taking part in the "Shamrock Shindig" pub crawl along Water Street Saturday, and was last seen at Rosie's bar. Since Hecht disappeared, hundreds have joined the search, including one couple who traveled over 500 miles to help find Hecht.

Tony DeGrand is a long-time friend of the missing man, and he and his fiance came to Milwaukee from Nebraska to assist in the search. Hecht is supposed to serve as a groomsman in the DeGrand wedding, coming up this summer. "If I were in the same situation, Tom would be there for me," Tony DeGrand said.

Groups were sent across portions of the city Thursday with flyers to post and pass out, hoping to find clues as to where Hecht could be. "Tom and I have known each other since middle school," DeGrand said.

DeGrand and his fiance searched the neighborhood where DeGrand once lived with Hecht. Both attended UW-Milwaukee. DeGrand says he couldn't stand by in Nebraska and just watch the search effort.

As day turned to night Thursday, a growing number of friends, and even strangers, said they feel the same way. "He's definitely out there somewhere. It's just a matter of finding where he is," DeGrand said.

A billboard will have Hecht's picture on it in downtown Milwaukee, near the freeway. Hecht's family says all the attention has resulted in tips for police, but nothing definitive yet.

A website has been launched to serve as a hub of information as the search for Hecht continues. That website is - CLICK HERE to visit the website.

If you have information about Hecht’s whereabouts, you’re urged to call Milwaukee police at 414-935-7401.