Four candidates in gubernatorial recall election sound off | FOX6 Milwaukee

Four candidates in gubernatorial recall election sound off

MILWAUKEE -- Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrettannounced Friday he will run for governor in the recall election against Governor Scott Walker, after the Government Accountability Boardconfirmed there are enough valid signatures to force a recall election, and set the dates for a primary and general election in the recall effort. There are now four candidates vying to challenge Walker in the recall election.

The four candidates looking to take Walker's seat as Wisconsin's governor spoke at the Astor Hotel in Milwaukee, at the Fourth District Congressional Delegation Conference Saturday, March 31st.

Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk told reporters she's about getting back to core values. "We just want good schools for our kids, some health care when we need it, a good paying job, and some clean air and water to enjoy with our families when we're not working, and Governor Walker has insulted every one of those shared values here. I'm eager to get us back to Wisconsin values," Falk said.

State Senator Kathleen Vinehout says she's qualified on many fronts - being a dairy farmer, former educator and now, legislator. "I've been involved in the budget. I've been involved in looking deep into the numbers, trying to fix the state, and that's what we need right now. Whoever takes over this job as governor is going to have to hit the ground running, and I've got the experience to be able to do that," Vinehout said.

Secretary of State Doug LaFollette says he'll bring back civility to the state. "I'm a mature guy. I've been around awhile. I've got nothing to prove, except to be the best governor I can be - to bring people back together and stop the fighting and screaming and yelling. We have problems - the environment, education, health care, people's right to organize. Those are key issues where Walker has slapped the people in the face," LaFollette said.

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett says he'll be a leader who will restore trust. "Focus on jobs, because that is the issue - jobs. That's what I'm going to do. As a result of (Walker's) actions, what we saw in 2011 is, we saw the state of Wisconsin lose more jobs than any other state in this country, because rather than focusing on jobs, he started a civil war," Barrett said.

Assuming a Democratic primary is necessary, it will be held on May 8th. The recall vote is planned for June 5th.

Previous stories:

Recall election ordered for Gov. Scott Walker

Governor Walker talks recall effort and future

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett announces candidacy in recall election

GAB vote Friday to certify recall elections