One-of-a-kind Peeps exhibit at Racine Art Museum

RACINE -- As part of the Third Annual International Peeps Competition, the popular marshmallow birds have been turned into a work of art inside the Racine Art Museum, and it is a one-of-a-kind exhibit!

Racine Art Museum officials say as far as they know, there is no other art museum in the world hosting a competition for objects made with Peeps. This art museum has put on the display for three years. "It fascinates our staff to see the ideas and themes behind the work each year,"

The exhibition invited artists of all ages to create a work of art with Peeps. Officials say the exhibition's popularity over the years has drawn thousands to the museum.

Each work of art presents whimsical lessons in color and style. "Some of the works are so clever, it's a shame they're only seen for two weeks at a time,"

The Peeps art is on display through April 22nd.

CLICK HERE for more information on the Peeps competition via the Racine Art Museum's website. CLICK HERE to see a list of winners.