Two arrested over the weekend for fourth OWI in separate incidents | FOX6 Milwaukee

Two arrested over the weekend for fourth OWI in separate incidents

DANE COUNTY -- 32-year-odl Milan Lakic of Milwaukee was arrested by the Wisconsin State Patrol DeForest Post for OWI - fourth offense Sunday, April 22nd at 7:30 p.m.

Officials say Lakic was stopped for failure to yield, deviating from designated lane and following too closely.


30-year-old Randall Seeger from Waupaca was arrested by the Wisconsin State Patrol Wausau Post for OWI - fourth offense early Saturday morning, April 21st just after 5:00 a.m.

A Wisconsin State Trooper stopped Seeger for driving 75 miles-per-hour in a 55 mile-per-hour zone. The trooper made contact and detected indicators of alcohol consumption. Field sobriety tests were performed and Seeger was placed under arrest.

Seeger was charged with fourth-offense OWI, speeding and failure to fasten seatbelt.