Police search for two people who robbed a PNC Bank branch

PEWAUKEE -- Village of Pewaukee police are on the hunt for a couple of people who robbed the PNC Bank branch at Highway 164 and Capitol Dr. Thursday morning, June 28th.

Officials say the two individuals walked into the bank around 9:15 a.m. They were wearing black ski masks and black jackets and had firearms. The suspects left the bank with an undetermined amount of money. They fled in a green Chevy SUV.

The getaway vehicle was found about a half-mile away from the bank on Swan Rd in the city of Pewaukee. The Village of Pewaukee Police Department is working on finding the suspects -- and using the assistance of the K-9 officer from the Waukesha Co. Sheriff's Department.

The police department is reviewing surveillance images from the bank.

Monitor FOX6 News and FOX6Now.com for updates on this developing story.

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