Page's ex-girlfriend, Misty Cook, arrested Tuesday evening
OAK CREEK -- Oak Creek police shot and killed 40-year-old Wade Michael Page on the scene of the shooting that killed six at the Sikh Temple in Oak Creek Sunday. Because the prime suspect cannot be interrogated, FBI officials working the investigation are scouring the country in search of any clues as to a motive.
Page lived in South Milwaukee with a girlfriend -- 31-year-old nursing student Misty Cook, and her son. FOX6 News has learned Cook was arrested Tuesday evening on tentative charges of being a felon in possession of a weapon. The weapon was reportedly found in Cook's home after she was questioned by authorities following the shooting, and her home was searched.
Officials showed up at Cook's home Tuesday, August 7th, and confirmed to FOX6 News Cook was taken into custody.
FOX News reported Tuesday the weapon found in Cook's home was not related to the Sikh Temple shooting. South Milwaukee police are meeting with the FBI, however.
Kelly Templin lives two doors down from the South Milwaukee duplex where Page lived with that girlfriend and her son. Templin says the couple lived a quiet life and kept to themselves. Templin says the Sikh Temple shooting came as a shock.
"It's scary. It's hard to comprehend that your neighbor that lives two houses down is responsible for that," Templin said.
Neighbors along Minnesota Avenue say Page moved in with the woman about eight months ago. Aside from blasting music -- neighbors say the couple was quiet.
"All we'd get back is an occasional 'hi,' or he'd just shrug his shoulders and grunt and walk on," neighbor David Brown said.
Page didn't stay in South Milwaukee long. He eventually landed in Cudahy in July, 2012. Neighbors say it was a forced move, after his girlfriend broke up with him. A co-worker at Lucas Milhaupt told FOX6 News about two weeks later, Page stopped showing up for work.
"When he was first moved here, he seemed frustrated and upset," neighbor Peter Hoyt said.
Finally, Page moved on last time in mid-July. His last apartment on the second floor of a Cudahy duplex was found mostly empty when it was raided by officials following Sunday's shooting.
Officials looking into Wade white supremacist music scene
Officials looking into Wade white supremacist music scene
Page's music life has investigators interested. According to a 2010 interview with Label 56, Page became part of the "white power music scene" in 2000. Since then, he had been part of eight different bands -- all expressing a similar white supremacy message. It's a link that has the FBI looking at the Sikh Temple shooting as a possible act of domestic terrorism.
FOX6 News learned Tuesday Page went to the Shooter's Shop in West Allis and legally bought a 9mm handgun -- the weapon used in the shooting rampage. An employee at the shop says Page acted normally during the purchase process.
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