Football fans take to social media, blasting "replacement refs"

GREEN BAY -- Week 1 in the National Football League is nearly over, but referee calls have everyone talking. Fans took to social media, blasting "replacement refs" during the games. While the NFL is confident referees will improve, some fans aren't so sure.

While the Green and Gold may not have played up to expectations as they took on the San Francisco 49ers on Sunday, fans on both sides of the ball say the replacement referees are in over their heads.

"On both sides there were calls that should have been or should not have been made. I think the game's too fast for these current refs," David Chamberlain of Mission Viejo, California said.

Comedian Frank Caliendo tweeted out: "'The referees in this @packers/@49ers game are doing a fantastic job' says nobody, creating a BadForBothTeams hashtag."

"I think we'll see some improvement with them as time goes on, but they call them replacements. I don't think they can replace them," Tom Swenson of Harvard, Illinois said.

While some say Sunday's officiating is indicative of how the season will go if an agreement isn't reached, others say the officials are doing the best they can under the circumstances.

Packers fan Clar Brodt says as a former WIAA football official for 40+ years, he knows how hard it can be to call a game.

"But from a referees official - you're looking at a play in a direction - you see what you see. You call what you call. I think the referees did the best job they could do," Brodt said.

Others say the refs will improve as time goes on.

"I think with practice, they'll get better, just like the original refs. They started in that position too at one time or another," Scott Bromaghim of Waterloo, Iowa said.

While there weren't games that were decided because of officiating faults - fans are worried that may happen as the season goes on.

The NFL Referees Association and the NFL are working to come to a contract agreement. However, it's not known when one might be worked out.
