Lingerie Football League says it fired refs now in NFL | FOX6 Milwaukee

Lingerie Football League says it fired refs now in NFL

(KDVR - Will Holden) -- If the ending of the Seattle Seahawks now-controversial win over the Green Bay Packers was the Monday Nightmare for the NFL’s replacement officials, today may be the Tuesday of Terror.

At least for a few crews who have now been outed by a bunch of girls in underwear.

Saying this statement was necessary due to the controversial call that saw replacement referees make what appeared to be the wrong call on a jump ball between M.D. Jennings and Golden Tate, the Lingerie Football League released a statement late Monday night saying that it fired several officiating crews that are now working as replacement refs in the NFL.

LFL Commissioner Mitchell Mortaza wrote that those crews were fired “due to … on-field incompetent officiating.”

He did not make any specific statements about whether any of those crews were officiating the Seahawks-Packers game.

Here is the entirety of Mortaza’s statement, which was posted to the LFL’s official Facebook page:

"Because of the LFL’s perception it is that much more critical for us to hire officiating crews that are competent, not only for the credibility of our game but to keep our athletes safer. Due to several on-field incompetent officiating we chose to part ways with with a couple crews which apparently are now officiating in the NFL. We have a lot of respect for our officials but we felt the officiating was not in line with our expectations.

We have not made public comment to date because we felt it was not our place to do so. However in light of tonight’s event, we felt it was only fair that NFL fans knew the truth as to who are officiating these games.”