Should Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn step down? | FOX6 Milwaukee

Should Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn step down?

MILWAUKEE -- Should Milwaukee Chief Ed Flynn step down? FOX6 News asked the man whose opinion might matter the most -- Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett.

There was a closed-door meeting Thursday night between Chief Flynn and the Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission. There were questions about how Flynn's officers handled current cases that have become controversial. The specifics of that meeting are confidential. But some calls for the chief's resignation are being rebuffed by the mayor and chief.

Mayor Barrett acknowledges a high level of unrest in the community over the handling of the Derek Williams case -- as well as others. 

"He's got a four-year term. Every indication he's going to be staying," said Mayor Barrett. "He wants to address these problems. Everyone shares the same goal and that is to make sure we have a safe city, a city where police respect citizens, and citizens respect police and he is clearly indicated he is willing to work to make sure that happens."

The controversy Chief Flynn finds himself in is not unique.

Former Chief Nannette Hegerty fired nine officers involved the case of Frank Jude, beaten by police after a party in October 2004.

Before that, a U.S. District Court found former Chief Art Jones to have engaged in reverse discrimination, promoting African-American officers over whites.

Under Chief Philip Arreola, officers found a naked 14-year-old boy bleeding in the street and turned him back over to Jeffrey Dahmer. Dahmer later killed that boy.

Chief Robert Ziarnik had an alderman calling for his removal over the way he deployed officers.

And Chief Harold Breier's department faced large protests after a young man named Ernest Lacey died in police custody.

None of those police chiefs resigned based on public pressure. However, some who are asking for a federal investigation say they want investigators to look at a possible pattern of civil rights violations.

The Fire and Police Commission director says the body will continue working with the chief.