UW-Milwaukee Student Assoc. urges school to halt sales of Palermo's pizza | FOX6 Milwaukee

UW-Milwaukee Student Assoc. urges school to halt sales of Palermo's pizza

MILWAUKEE -- The UW-Milwaukee Student Association has called upon the school's administration to halt sales of Palermo's pizza on campus until the labor dispute between Palermo's and the Palermo's Workers Union is resolved.

"By continuing to sell Palermo`s Pizza, the UWM administration is saying that they support union busting, and that`s wrong," Jorge Maya -- a student leader of Youth Empowered in the Struggle (YES) said.

UW-Milwaukee has now joined a growing list of student governments, as well as state and national student organizations that have endorsed the Palermo`s strike and boycott campaign.

The United Council of University of Wisconsin Students, a statewide organization representing student interests at nearly all 26 UW System campuses, along with two national student organizations, the United States Student Association, and United Students Against Sweatshops, have also endorsed the boycott and are actively engaged in organizing support.

UWM has also joined boycotts in the past. UWM stopped selling Tyson Foods products in 2003 during the strike and lockout of workers at a Tyson plant in Jefferson, WI, and stopped selling Coca-cola products just a few years ago as part of a boycott triggered by Coke's connections to Columbian death squads.

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