Legal shooting of albino deer angers Wisconsin residents | FOX6 Milwaukee

Legal shooting of albino deer angers Wisconsin residents

LELAND (AP) -- Some residents in Sauk County are upset that an out-of-town hunter broke a tacit agreement by killing a rare white deer this week.

There was nothing illegal about Saturday's shooting in Leland, about 15 miles northwest of Sauk City. White and albino deer aren't protected in chronic-wasting-disease zones, and this deer wasn't even a true albino.

But residents such as Amy Sprecher are angry. She says she can't understand how people can be so selfish as to deprive others of the white deers' beauty.

Fellow resident Brandon Yanke says the townspeople made a pact to protect the rare deer. He says the deer help make the area unique.

A WISC-TV report  says locals want the state Department of Natural Resources to do more to protect the animals.