Snow storm creates critical need for blood donations

MILWAUKEE -- Thursday’s winter storm has resulted in cancelled donation appointments and the cancellation of several blood drives in areas where BloodCenter of Wisconsin serves patients in need.

Because of the storm, BloodCenter anticipates an overall shortfall of more than 1,000 units of blood over the next two days.  If that occurs, we could experience a shortage situation.  Donors are being asked to help ensure we have the needed blood supply to help patients.  

BloodCenter asks that those who are able to safely keep their scheduled appointments please do so.  If you don’t have an appointment, we ask that you take time to schedule an appointment for Saturday, Sunday or Monday.  Call 1-877-BE-A-HERO or visit

BloodCenter has extended its donor center hours at several locations this Saturday, Dec. 22.  Staff will be on hand until 3:00 p.m. at the following donor centers:

    All blood types are needed, but there is a particular need for type O Negative blood, as well as platelets.  O negative is the universal blood type that is used in emergency rooms and on Flight for Life.  Platelets are critically important because they help cancer patients or trauma patients recovering from life-threatening injuries.