Celebrating National Foster Care Month in Milwaukee County | FOX6 Milwaukee

Celebrating National Foster Care Month in Milwaukee County

GLENDALE (WITI) -- For years, eight-year-old Daven Cooper has been begging her mother, Dody, for a little brother or sister.

It was her daughter's plea that made Dody decide to become a foster parent.

"It`s fulfilling, it makes me feel great, and I`ll do it again. The only thing that I wish is that I would've signed up a long time ago," says Dody.

Dody contacted Community Services, which is a foster care program through Children's Hospital.

Just a few weeks ago, they began caring for a 2-month-old baby boy.

"It makes me feel like I`m a hero and like I`m saving him so he can have some family," says Daven.

Throughout May, people like Dody are being recognized for National Foster Care Month.

"This is a month where we get to honor and really scream from the clouds our appreciation for our foster parents and the people who make a difference in the lives of kids," says Children's Hospital Out of Home Care Education and Recruitment Program Supervisor Langston Verdin.

Although people like Dody are appreciated, there is a great need for more people to follow in her footsteps.

"Right now we have about 2,000 kids in foster care in Milwaukee County. Every single month about 40 kids come into foster care, which means we have a tremendous need for foster parents in our area," says Verdin.

Dody and Daven realize their time with the little one may be temporary, so they're soaking up every minute with him.

"My daughter she loves him, I love him, my family loves him, you know and I can tell this is my calling," says Dody.

And he'll always hold a place in their hearts.

"I`m really happy he`s here and he will always be my baby brother," says Daven.

For more information on becoming a foster parent you can call 414-KID-HERO or you can CLICK HERE.