Soccerfest kicks off with athletic fun for the whole family

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- People of all ages gathered in Milwaukee's Silver City neighborhood to celebrate a world-renowned sport. Soccerfest kicked off on Saturday, September 7th with activities for the entire family.

"It's kind of like challenging, challenging fun because, like, you can't use your hands and you have to use your feet," said 10-year-old Fiona Sook.

The event hosted a variety of soccer-themed games at Arlington Heights Park, to get help get kids interested and involved in the sport.

"It's really fun because there are a lot of different things that you can do, there is soccer bowling, and you can weave around the cones and so I think it's really fun here," said 10-year-old Emma Moran.

Milwaukee's very own indoor professional soccer team, the Wave, stopped by to help out as well.

"This is great because it's bringing everybody together, teaching kids, and it's all for the right cause," says Milwaukee Wave owner Sue Black.

Across the street from Soccerfest was an all day 3-on-3 urban soccer tournament for adults.

"I had a Saturday off and I've been meaning to play soccer for a while now and this is just perfect for me because it's an all day event and I just get to run all day," said tournament player Ajibola Ayanwale.

A portion of the proceeds from the 3-on-3 event will go toward buying indestructible soccer balls for local charities and youth organizations.

"As you can see here it doesn't need a pump. It's perfect for these types of conditions and it's actually a ball that has been designed for third world countries, inner city, urban environments," explained Milwaukee Soccer Development Group Founder James Moran.

This was the first time the Milwaukee Soccer Development Group hosted Soccerfest. The organization hopes to make it an annual event.