Cedarburg wheelchair athlete wins four gold medals

CEDARBURG (WITI) -- Nathan Whitrock was born with the cards stacked against him, but his resolve, along with the love and support of wonderful parents, have helped Whitrock to achieve great things.

Look up the word 'determination,' and you may find a picture of Whitrock.

Last Spring, the 18-year-old Cedarburg High School graduate won four gold medals at the state Track and Field championships in the wheelchair division.

Whitrock was born with spina bifida, but it wasn't going to slow him down on or off the track.

His parents, Todd and Colleen Whitrock, have been there for their son since Day One.

Todd Whitrock is nicknamed "Rock" for a reason. He is a tough man, but he has a kind and loving heart -- and an appreciation for the one who has helped him deal with Whitrock's health issues over the years.

Along the way, Todd and Colleen treated their son like any other youngster. He was taught to be independent and to work hard.

When he's not winning wheelchair events, Whitrock may be at the Cedarburg Fire Department, where he volunteers with his father and his sister Samantha. He also finds time to work at Home Depot in Grafton as a greeter.

And -- he doesn't get a break on his household chores! He is expected to take out and bring in the trash cans on a weekly basis.

This, while attending classes at Milwaukee Area Technical College. He says one day, he would like to work in the Parks and Recreation field and help others.

Above all, Nathan Whitrock and his family work to inspire others.

"If you like something -- get out there and do it!" Nathan Whitrock said.

Today, Todd and Colleen reach out to other families who may be facing similar challenges, as their way of paying it forward.