Utility workers brave cold temperatures to get the job done

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The recent frigid temperatures haven't stopped those workers whose jobs require them to be outside for hours from getting their jobs done. Utility workers are just some of the people who brave the freezing cold to keep others going.

Hank Wallenkamp started repairing a broken water main in Brown Deer at 4:30 Thursday morning, December 12th.

"We dug it up and went down, put a stainless steel 24 by 6 clamp on it and turned the water back on. Back fill it and we're going to go have a nice lunch," said Wallenkamp.

Wallenkamp says he has a plan of attack against the cold weather as issues continue to arise.

"You keep your trucks running, make sure they're full of fuel and you keep yourself warm," said Wallenkamp. "You have lots of gear to change clothes because you're going to get wet, and good boots. You keep yourself prepared."

Wallenkamp says his crew typically repairs 25 to 30 water mains a year and says there's a reason the cold hasn't been too rough.

"Number one, it's our job. We get paid and we take pride in what we do," Wallenkamp said.