Help available at polls to help voters with referendum question | FOX6 Milwaukee

Help available at polls to help voters with referendum question

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Tuesday, April 1st is Election Day! Voters in Milwaukee will be asked to answer a referendum on the ballot. FOX6 News has learned there will be help available at the polls, as some voters may find the wording of this referendum a bit confusing.

Voters on Tuesday will be asked whether the compensation for Milwaukee County Board Supervisors should be cut to a salary of $24,051.

That is a substantial drop from the current $50,679.

If approved, the referendum would eliminate health and pension benefits for County Supervisors after the spring 2016 elections.

In effect, this would make County Supervisors part-time.

Supervisor David Bowen says the referendum decides nothing state lawmakers haven't already decided.

"We know as a County Board written through Act 14 that a number of these cuts are already coming -- included on our salaries," Bowen said.

Act 14 cut the County Board's budget in terms of what it can use to pay itself and its staff.

Still, on Tuesday, voters will decide on the pay cut.

"It's a very long and confusing question," Milwaukee County Election Commissioner Neil Albrecht said.

Albrecht says those not familiar with the issue may find the question on the ballot confusing.

There will be a posted resource at every polling place to better explain what it means to vote "yes" and what it means to vote "no" on the referendum question.

"Poll workers are prohibited by law from providing them with an explanation of what the referendum means -- because a word or two might slip in that could be perceived as influencing how they would vote on the referendum," Albrecht said.

Albrecht advises taking your time, reading through the question (maybe more than once) and then making your decision.