VFW says 55,000 veterans are the victims of a security breach | FOX6 Milwaukee

VFW says 55,000 veterans are the victims of a security breach

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- A Milwaukee veteran receives a startling letter. It is from the VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars), and says hackers were able to get his name and social security number.

The letter says on March 4th, the VFW became aware of a security breach.

It indicates hackers, whom they believe are from China, were able to download the information of about 55,000 veterans -- and at least one of those affected lives in southeastern Wisconsin.

Scott Slaski served his country. Now, the Navy veteran tends to his elderly mother in the family's long-time south side home.

Last week, he received a letter from the VFW -- letting him know hackers had accessed his personal information.

"I would`ve expected the VFW would know the importance of a social security number and take better means. I don`t go to a restaurant and pay good money and expect them to poison me," Slaski said.

The letter says 55,000 veterans were affected by this security breach. Hackers were able to get Slaski's name, address, and social security number.

"I can always get another credit card and I can always get another number issued to me. However, I can never get another social security number issued to me," Slaski said.

According to the letter, investigators believe the hacker is from China, and wanted to gain access to information regarding military plans or contracts.

"China holds a lot of our debt. So basically, we`re paying them to spy on us and they not only spy on us but they use our ideas to do whatever it is their intentions are," Slaski said.

Slaski says he isn't worried, since there is little he can control now. However, he says he'll be watching his accounts closely, while hoping the VFW does a better job of securing its website.

"Our information is out there. All it takes is one weak link to let all that information get into the wrong hands," Slaski said.