WHY?! Woman accused of throwing cat poop, chicken at "Race for the Cure" participants | FOX6 Milwaukee

WHY?! Woman accused of throwing cat poop, chicken at "Race for the Cure" participants

SEATTLE (WITI) -- Police in Seattle have arrested a woman after they say she threw cat poop, frozen chicken parts and a green liquid at runners participating in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this weekend.

According to FOX6's sister station, Q13 FOX in Seattle -- officers observed a "hail of garbage" fall from a fifth-story apartment in downtown Seattle on Sunday morning, June 1st.

Q13 FOX reports a man in his 60s using a walker was hit with the green liquid -- and a 13-year-old girl was hit with a frozen chicken breast -- which left a welt on her skin.

Police on scene found a bag with five to 10 pounds of used kitty litter.

Police were eventually able to arrest the woman they believe to be responsible.

And police say she gave them a reason for her actions.

CLICK HERE to learn WHY she did it.