Supreme Court "Hobby Lobby" ruling Monday drawing mixed reaction in Wisconsin

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- A major decision from the Supreme Court on Monday, June 30th in the so-called "Hobby Lobby" case. The court decided that the government cannot force family-owned corporations like Hobby Lobby to pay for insurance that covers contraception.

There was celebration on the Supreme Court steps on Monday after the decision came down.

In a 5-4 decision, the court held that family-owned companies Hobby Lobby and Contestoga Wood Specialties are not required to provide insurance coverage for contraception to their employees.

The court says that requirement violated their rights to religious freedom.

At the Hobby Lobby store in West Bend Monday, customers had mixed reactions.

"We love their prices, and that they have faith-based stuff. I'm glad you can have faith and own a company, and still impart some of those ideals and morals -- especially in this case having an abortive pill or even birth control offered when you disagree with that," Keri Gosa said.

"I think religion is an individual thing and I think people should be able to make their choice as to whether they want to or not," Rebecca Sieracki said.

Wisconsin conservative leaders applauded the decision, with all three Republican candidates for Congress in the 6th District issuing statements.

Duey Stroebel called it "a victory for both religious liberty and business."

Glenn Grothman says it's "a big win for Christians in America."

Joe Leibham views the decision as "another sign that ObamaCare ought to be repealed."

"The standard the Supreme Court upheld (Monday) is one that`s existed for many years, and in fact, the Supreme Court was really upholding the status quo," Asama Uddin, Hobby Lobby's attorney said.

In the meantime, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin says the court went backwards on an important women's health issue.

"We were very disappointed and we were also troubled because what this means is a boss can get in the way of somebody accessing birth control, and we believe very deeply that a decision about birth control should be left to a woman and her physician," Tanya Atkinson, VP of Public Relations for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin said.

The contraception coverage had been required under the Affordable Care Act.

Monday's Supreme Court decision applies only to the two companies -- Hobby Lobby and Contestoga Wood Specialties, but it opens the door to challenges by other corporations.

CLICK HERE to view the decision of the U.S Supreme Court in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores