Thrill seekers go Over the Edge at Miller Park to support Special Olympics, literally, over the edge!!

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- Rappelling from the roof! Saturday, July 19th at Miller Park, people faced their fears to raise money for Special Olympics. FOX6 shows you how their effort is benefiting thousands of athletes.

While many moms are superheroes, very few choose to don their capes -- much less, their masks, and face their fears.

"First time doing anything like this," says Beth Wisniewski, the repelling rebel. "I was absolutely terrified."

But Saturday, atop Milwaukee's Miller Park, this mom is the repelling rebel. It's a transformation Wisniewski will tell you, is inspired by her hero.

"This was all for Henry," says Wisniewski. "Henry is two, and Henry was born with Down Syndrome, and he just started his first Special Olympics Young Athletes class, and it is such a benefit to him."

Wisniewski says the experience encouraged her to help out by participating in an event known as Over the Edge.

Kelly Lang is a regional director of development for Special Olympics Wisconsin. She explains, while this is the firth year Over the Edge has hosted a repelling event in Milwaukee, it's the first time at the ballpark.

"We're getting people who love Special Olympics, and we're also getting people who just love the Brewers, and wanted to come out 'n' do this on what is, you know, you're never gonna get a chance to go up on the roof, here, and scale down the side of the building," says Lang.

Perhaps this explains interest so strong, it has drawn more people, and pledges than any previous Over The Edge events. Or, perhaps it's the spirit of a super mom, and her inspiring young athlete.

"I'm a superhero! Look at my cape," says Wisniewski. "Look at Henry! How can you not wanna support that?"

This Over the Edge event is expected to raise around $100,000 dollars. The money helps support programs fro around 2,200 specials athletes in greater Milwaukee.