Bucket list for baby: Expecting parents take journey with unborn son, expected to have a brief life | FOX6 Milwaukee

Bucket list for baby: Expecting parents take journey with unborn son, expected to have a brief life

PENNSYLVANIA (WITI) -- A Pennsylvania couple, expecting a son, has created a unique "bucket list" for the unborn baby. Their son, Shane has been diagnosed with a complex neural defect that kills most infants shortly after they're born.

ABC6 in Philadelpha reports Shane has been diagnosed with anencephaly. Babies with anencephaly are born without parts of their brain and skill. Most die shortly after birth.

"Most families wait until their baby is born to start making memories and traveling to places with them. We understood what it was and knew that our time with our son could be very limited, so we wanted to make the most of the time that we had with him," Shane's father, Dan Haley told ABC6.

They Haley's have created a bucket list for their baby -- coming up with a list of places and activities they love and want to share with their son.

They vowed to complete as many of the bucket list items as they can while Jenna Haley is pregnant.

ABC6 reports the bucket list was completed on September 6th.

Shane is due on October 12th.

Here is what was on Shane’s bucket list:

    CLICK HERE to access a Facebook page set up in Baby Shane's honor.

    CLICK HERE for more on this story via ABC6.