"We're very busy!" Thousands have voted absentee, but polling places expected to be busy Tuesday | FOX6 Milwaukee

"We're very busy!" Thousands have voted absentee, but polling places expected to be busy Tuesday

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The Wisconsin Government Accountability Board on Monday, November 3rd -- the eve of the General Election, said with by-mail absentee ballots still coming in, more than 289,000 absentee ballots have been cast so far. If those early voting numbers are any indication, polling places are going to be busy on Tuesday, November 4th. The G.A.B. predicts 2.5 million people -- 56.5% of the voting-age population will cast ballots on Tuesday.

Final preparations were being made across the state on the eve of the election. In Grafton, Village Clerk Kelly Meyer worked diligently to make sure her voters have a good experience at the polls on Tuesday.

"That`s the most important thing -- making sure the turnover is good, everything is taken care of for the voters," Meyer said.

Meyer says the phone hasn't stopped ringing, with questions coming in from voters.

"We`re used to that. That`s what we expect and we want to make sure that they all have the correct information," Meyer said.

Milwaukee's Election Commissioner says 15,000 people voted early in this election, but that doesn't necessarily mean polling places will be less crowded on Tuesday.

"The more prepared you are when you turn out at your polling place on November 4th, the faster your voting experience is going to be and the more informed you`re going to be as a voter," Milwaukee Election Commissioner Neil Albrecht said.

Clerks say it's important you know where to vote, you familiarize yourself with the ballot and you understand voter requirements.

"We can`t emphasize enough there is no photo ID requirement in the state of Wisconsin for this election. We do offer same-day registration. You can register to vote on Election Day. You`re going to need a proof of residence document if you are registering. That could be a utility bill, a bank statement -- doesn`t have to be a photo ID," Albrecht said.

"We`re very busy, very busy, but we have a great staff who`s pitched in to help me," Meyer said.

Election officials say the busiest time to vote is between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. They are reminding voters to be sure to give yourself enough time to vote -- and double check the location of your polling place ahead of time.

Voter tools available online, courtesy of the Government Accountability Board: