The "most Google searched" recipe in Wisconsin during the week of Thanksgiving is...

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- As you planned out your Thanksgiving feast, you may have turned to Google for some recipe inspiration!

The New York Times has issued an interesting map that shows the "most Googled Thanksgiving recipes" in all 50 states.

To create the map, folks at the New York Times asked researchers at Google for help, and they looked at how much more popular searches for a given recipe were in a given state vs. the rest of the country during the week of Thanksgiving -- over the past 10 years.

The map doesn't necessarily show the most iconic Thanksgiving recipes in each state -- or even a state's favorite dish. Rather, the map simply shows what most people in a given state are looking to Google for when it comes to Thanksgiving recipes.

According to the New York Times and Google -- the most searched Thanksgiving recipe in Wisconsin is...Brownberry stuffing.

The New York Times says Wisconsin doesn't just want stuffing. We want "Brownberry stuffing." Interesting -- considering the Brownberry company has its roots in Oconomowoc!

Another state classic, beer cheese dip comes in number 3 on the list of top 10 Thanksgiving recipe Google searches in Wisconsin.

The full list is as follows (according to the New York Times):

1) Brownberry stuffing
2) Pistachio fluff
3) Beer cheese dip
4) Pillsbury crescent
5) Snicker apple salad
6) Pumpkin torte
7) Broccoli cauliflower salad
8) Cranberry fluff
9) Taffy apple salad
10) Cherry crisp

CLICK HERE for much more analysis, and to view the map via the New York Times.