Two workers injured at construction site in downtown Milwaukee | FOX6 Milwaukee

Two workers injured at construction site in downtown Milwaukee

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The Milwaukee Fire Department responded to a downtown construction site Tuesday morning, December 2nd for a report of workers injured.

Close to 40 firefighters responded to the area of Cass and Michigan around 6:30 a.m. Fire officials tell FOX6 News that two people were injured while working 25-30 feet below ground. They were pouring concrete. Authorities say the workers were injured after a cement hopper malfunctioned -- and slammed them against a wall.

Both workers were rescued and taken to a hospital. The extent of their injuries is unknown -- but it is believed they will survive.

The Milwaukee Fire Department's H.U.R.T (Heavy Urban Rescue Team) assisted at the scene.

"That`s what they are designed for, to get people out of places where there are no stairs or elevators," the Battalion Chief on the scene, Dewayne Smoots said.

Venus Tostevin works at a parking garage across the street. She watched firefighters pull the men to safety.

"It was really a relief every time you saw someone come up over the edge," Tostevin said.

As a result of the accident, access to the parking garages on E. Michigan from Van Buren were temporarily blocked. Police also shut down traffic in front of the construction site.

"It was pretty frustrating for lack of a better description. People were pretty upset, and hostile, honking their horns," Tostevin said.

The contractor, CG Schmidt, is building condos at 833 Michigan. An OSHA representative tells FOX6 CG Schmidt contacted the agency after the incident. OSHA is investigating whether a safety violation occurred.

Online records obtained through OSHA show the company has been inspected five times between 2005 and September of 2014. No violations have occurred in that time-frame.

A company representative at the scene was not able to comment about the accident.

Monitor FOX6 News and for updates on this developing story.