Milwaukee County Zoo will host its first “World Penguin Day" April 25
Chip gets details on “World Penguin Day” at Milwaukee County Zoo
Chip gets details on "World Penguin Day" at Milwaukee County Zoo
(WITI) -- Penguins are some of the most beloved animals in zoos and aquariums today. However, these animals are much more than their adorable waddles, beautiful markings and quirky personalities.
Penguins are a unique and important part of our natural world, and on Saturday, April 25, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Milwaukee County Zoo will host its first “World Penguin Day,” to highlight these remarkable animals, and to draw attention to their dwindling populations in the wild.
Chip has a blast learning how to feed the penguins
Chip has a blast learning how to feed the penguins
Chip gets behind the glass to hang out with penguins
Chip gets behind the glass to hang out with penguins
Here are some of the activities the Zoo has planned for the day: