"The dog would not let go:" Kenosha police shoot, kill dog after it attacks several people
KENOSHA -- Police shoot and kill an English bulldog after they say it goes on a rampage, but that's not all they shot. One victim was also accidentally shot and tased in the chaos.
Kenosha County deputies say on Wednesday afternoon near 76th St. and 19th Avenue two dogs got loose after a landscaper did not secure a latch to a backyard fence.
'Tank' the bulldog
Shawn Lievense, is the dogs owners. He says he was not home, but his 12-year-old son was. Lievense says the boy tried to chase down the dogs, and then watched as Kenosha police killed their family pet "Tank", a 16-month old English bulldog.
"The landscape company came, they mowed the grass and they left the gate open," said Lievense.
Lievense was not home when his bulldog, and chihuahua got loose on the street with his son chasing after them.
Jamie Hagen says his wife and stepmother witnessed what happened next.
"She saw a girl that she didn't know on the sidewalk bleeding from her leg. She was screaming," said Hagen.
Seeing the dogs loose, the women called 911.
"My son ran out and laid on the English bulldog, cops showed up, put a leash on the English bulldog," said Lievense.
Kenosha County sheriff's deputies say the dog went on the attack again. First biting an officer, getting loose, and then attacking Hagen's neighbor -- latching on to her thigh.
"Several officers shot the dog with taser guns. And she said the dog would not let go," said Hagen.
Deputies say, at least one officer fired his service weapon, killing the dog -- but that's not all that they struck.
"I don't know, from what I'm hearing a woman was shot in the process," said Lievense.
Kenosha dog attack
The Kenosha County sheriff confirms besides being bitten, the woman also was hit by a taser, and a bullet in her foot. She, along with the first bite victim, and a Kenosha officer were all taken to a local hospital.
"Everyone just keeps saying they are sorry, but I don't know, he's not a vicious dog, he's just a family pet," said Lievense.
Lievense says he is wondering what set off his pet, and trying to comfort his 12-year-old son.
"However it happened it's unfortunate. Whatever triggered it, if my dog did bite someone, I mean you can't have dogs biting people," said Lievense.
The condition of the two women that were bitten by the English bulldog is unknown, as well as their ages.
Since Kenosha police fired their weapons, the Kenosha County Sheriff's Department is now investigating.