"Awesome for Amazon to do this:" Special delivery at school in Kenosha; boxes filled with supplies!

KENOSHA -- Amazon recently joined the Kenosha community -- opening its fulfillment center on Burlington Road in Kenosha, and even though it's fairly new to the area, it's definitely a friend to one school in the area.

Employees with the online retailer known for delivering goodies purchased online delivered a big surprise to a local elementary school on Friday, August 28th.

Jefferson Elementary School

Teachers at Jefferson Elementary School on 43rd Street in Kenosha gathered Friday for what they thought was a back to school meeting.

These teachers have lesson plans and projects to finish up ahead of the new school year. Oftentimes, teachers spend their own money so their students have the tools they need to succeed.

This year, playing Santa, Amazon representative Brian Urkiel stopped by to spread some joy -- delivering boxes filled with school supplies -- $10,000 worth!

Amazon surprise at Jefferson Elementary School

Tres Mansfield could hardly contain his excitement. He is the school's counselor. Just hours earlier, he told his co-workers he needed to buy more supplies.

Tres Mansfield

"It will make my life a little bit less stressed -- but more than that, it`s going to help out the students," Mansfield said.

The giving didn't stop there. Each teacher received two boxes stuffed with essentials.

Ashley Fedorick, a second-grade teacher at the school said it was a surprise she'll never forget.

Amazon surprise at Jefferson Elementary School

"Awesome for Amazon to do this for us. As teachers, we try our hardest to give all our students everything they need and it really helps when somebody gives that extra hand to us so very, very appreciative," Fedorick said.

School is back in session on Tuesday, September 1st and these teachers say they can`t wait to get started.