"Best of the best:" Sendoff ceremony held for 128th Air Refueling Wing airmen headed to SE Asia

MILWAUKEE -- A group of heroes sat within a building at the 128th Air Refueling Wing Monday, September 28th -- as they were honored for the sacrifice they're preparing to make.

"You're being called directly to be along with the active duty and the reserve because the National Guard from Wisconsin, the 128th is the best of the best," said Governor Scott Walker.

Sendoff ceremony for 128th Air Refueling Wing

Approximately 140 personnel and five KC-135 Stratotankers will fall under the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing in Southwest Asia. The deployment is designed to provide the CENTCOM region with forces capable of a variety of operations, including developing and executing security cooperation programs, improving bilateral and multi-lateral partnerships, building partnered “capacities,” and improving information sharing, security, and stability.

"I want to assure you that what we're doing, what your loved one is doing, what your airman is doing is very important to the defense of this country. It's critical," said Wisconsin's Adjutant General Maj. Gen. Don Dunbar.

Many of the airmen will be gone for months on end. This made it difficult for Jessica Alvarado to say goodbye to her husband and the father of their three children.

"I'm very proud of him and it's hard. It's hard, but we take it one day at a time," said Alvarado.

For Airman Jacob Borkowski, this is his first deployment, but 12 years ago he was at this very same ceremony for his father.

Sendoff ceremony for 128th Air Refueling Wing

"Being here today kind of brings back memories of that, but now I'm going and he's watching me so it's kind of flip-flop," said Airman Borkowski.

The deployment will occur throughout the next 60 days with five aircraft leaving the 128th Air Refueling Wing this week.

The 128th Air Refueling Wing has been deploying continuously since 2001 to support the war on terrorism.