Milwaukee Art Museum preparing to open new exhibit "Larry Sultan: Here and Home"

MILWAUKEE -- A picture is worth a thousand words, but for Larry Sultan -- it's more than just words. He tries to tell stories through his photography. That photography will soon be on display at the Milwaukee Art Museum!

"Larry Sultan is an American photographer. This is the first retrospective of his 35 year career," said Lisa Sutcliffe, Milwaukee Art Museum curator of photography and media art.

Larry Sultan: Here and Home at Milwaukee Art Museum

The finishing touches are being put on the "Larry Sultan: Here and Home" exhibit before it opens to the public at the Milwaukee Art Museum.

It begins with Sultan's career in the '70s.

"Larry Sultan collaborated with Mike Mandel in the 1970s and they were really interested in getting people to understand the language of photography," said Sutcliffe.

Much of Sultan's work also focuses on his parents and old family photos.

Larry Sultan: Here and Home at Milwaukee Art Museum

"These pictures communicate about his ideas of family, the suburbs, what home means, and really questioning the American dream and the role it plays in the way we construct our lives," said Sutcliffe.

His final series of photographs capture individuals standing in beautiful landscapes looking as though they're waiting for the start of their American dream.

Larry Sultan: Here and Home at Milwaukee Art Museum

The exhibit also has an interactive element where guests can flip through hundreds of photos from Larry Sultan's archive -- and combine images to tell different stories.

The exhibit is meant to inspire people to not just look at pictures -- but to understand the message or story behind it.

"Larry Sultan: Here and Home" opens at the Milwaukee Art Museum on Friday, October 23rd.

Starting next month you'll also be able to see about 20 of Larry Sultan's photos on billboards across the Greater Milwaukee Area.

Larry Sultan: Here and Home at Milwaukee Art Museum

For more information on the exhibit CLICK HERE.