"I'm so thankful:" Series of random acts of kindness help homeless, single father turn his life around | FOX6 Milwaukee

"I'm so thankful:" Series of random acts of kindness help homeless, single father turn his life around

DENVER, Colorado -- Folks with a worldwide movement called #GoBeKind recently made a stop in Denver, and a single father says his life was forever changed. A simple act of kindness set off a chain reaction that's resulted in a lot of help for this man and his son.

Shortly after James Moss moved to Denver with his son Zhi in September, he was interviewed by Leon Logothetis, a writer, motivational speaker and philanthropist, who is on a tour in an effort to spread kindness.

Moss says he was forced to leave New York for Denver. A friend had offered him a place to stay in New York and a job opportunity -- but that fell through.

"It seemed like everything I was trying to do was falling apart,” Moss said.

Moss was looking for shelter when Logothetis approached with cameras and began asking him about kindness

Moss began talking about his homelessness.

"I never expected it to be like this, but it's like this. I've had nothing but good help along the way,” Moss said in the video, which is now posted to YouTube.

"Most people don't want to share their pain. I want to say 'thank you,'” Logothetis said to Moss. “And the way I'm going to say 'thank you' is by giving you $1,000."

The encounter soon went viral.

And that was just the beginning of the kindness for Moss. A woman who saw the YouTube video  created a GoFundMe.com page for Moss. In four days, more than $30,000 has been raised.


“Phenomenal. Unbelievable. I was like, 'are you serious?!'" Moss said.

Moss says he's trying to save up for a car and a camper.

He says he's moved out of a shelter, thanks to the kindness of yet another stranger -- and his new boss is allowing him to bring his son with him to work until he can find and afford daycare.


"It's definitely a blessing, man. I'm so thankful,” Moss said.