Gov. Walker tells FOX6 money from sale of Wauwatosa home won't be used for campaign debt
Gov. Walker tells FOX6 money from sale of Wauwatosa home won`t be used for campaign debt
Gov. Walker tells FOX6 money from sale of Wauwatosa home won`t be used for campaign debt
NEW BERLIN -- Governor Scott Walker expects it may take two years to retire debt incurred during his short-lived presidential campaign, but says he isn't selling his Milwaukee-area home for that reason.

Governor Scott Walker
Walker said a required campaign finance filing due Jan. 31 will not show a significant amount of donations since he exited the race in September. Over the past few months, donors have received multiple emails from Walker asking for contributions to help pay back the debt.
"There will be some (new donations), but this is going to be a long process," Walker said. "We`ve talked to other folks who have been in similar situations. It`ll probably take a year or two. We`re in a position to chip away -- we`ve made substantial progress."
Walker made the comments following a stop at the School District of New Berlin, part of his tour around Wisconsin following last week's State of the State address.
Sunday, Walker and wife Tonette put their Wauwatosa home on the market. The three-bedroom, two-and-a-half bath colonial is listed on for $338,000.

Scott Walker in Iowa
"None of the proceeds from that will go to campaign debt. It has no connection whatsoever," Walker said.
The governor reiterated that he and Tonette plan to look for a smaller home now that the couple are empty-nesters. The Walkers' two sons are both in college, and this was the first year where they both lived in apartments year-round, Walker said.
Walker added that the couple planned to look for a new home in Wauwatosa so the Walkers can remain close to friends.
Walker said the presidential campaign actually delayed the decision to sell his home. Once he exited the presidential race Sept. 21, Walker said he began painting the home and doing other repairs to get ready for the sale.
Walker's calendars from last fall indicate that he stayed at the Executive Residence in suburban Madison more than 75 percent of the time during a 40-day period analyzed by FOX6 News.

Governor Scott Walker's accommodations
Milwaukee-based political consultant Chris Haworth said the governor's debt-repayment plan is not unusual for a national campaign.

Chris Haworth
"As long as the people who extended him that credit are OK with that repayment period," Haworth said, "I think Gov. Walker is simply trying to pay this off on his own."
Haworth noted that Walker is not independently wealthy. The governor draws a $145,000 salary, according to news reports.
Walker remains bound by the same $2,700 limit on individual donations to his suspended presidential campaign, meaning a single large donor couldn't bail out the campaign.
Later Monday, Walker told Madison television station WKOW-TV that his campaign had paid the final bill from the state of Wisconsin for travel expenses incurred by Walker's security detail during the short-lived White House bid.
The campaign finance report due Jan. 31 will likely detail who is still awaiting repayment.

Governor Scott Walker's home in Wauwatosa listed at