Gov. Walker to sign bill legalizing concealed switchblades on Saturday | FOX6 Milwaukee

Gov. Walker to sign bill legalizing concealed switchblades on Saturday

MADISON — Gov. Scott Walker is set to sign a bill that would allow people to carry concealed switchblades and knives.

The governor plans to the sign the measure Saturday afternoon at the National Rifle Association and Wisconsin FORCE's annual convention in Weston. Wisconsin FORCE, or Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs and Educators, is an NRA-chartered association that advocates for the right to bear arms.

Manufacturing, selling, transporting, purchasing or possessing a switchblade has been illegal in Wisconsin for decades. The Republican-authored bill eliminates the prohibition as well as permits anyone who can legally possess a gun to carry concealed knives of any length without a concealed carry license. The bill also bars local governments from enacting knife regulations stricter than state law.