Family of couple killed in triple homicide at 92nd & Beloit speak out: "Their kids are in need"
Family of couple killed in triple homicide at 92nd and Beloit speak out
Family of couple killed in triple homicide at 92nd and Beloit speak out
MILWAUKEE -- Nearly one week ago, a man went into a shooting rampage in his Milwaukee apartment building and gunned down three of his neighbors. Their families are now speaking out about the tragedy.

39-year-old Dan Popp has been charged with the deaths of all three killed.
Two of his victims were a married couple and their four young children are now orphaned.
FOX6 News spoke with two of their family members about the tragedy, and now they move forward.
For the families, their waking moments are now filled with the stuff of nightmares.

"I don't know why someone would have hatred against them and would, you know, just kill them for no reason. I can't understand that," said True Vue, sister of Phia Vue.

True Vue
Their world changed forever last Sunday, March 6th when Popp allegedly went on a shooting rampage in the apartment building where he lived near 92nd and Beloit -- shooting three people in the head.
Popp has been charged with three counts of first-degree intentional homicide and one count of attempted first-degree intentional homicide for the deaths of 40-year-old Jesus Manso-Perez, 36-year-old Phia Vue,and Vue's wife, 32-year-old Mai Vue. They were Popp's neighbors.

Mai & Phia Vue
"My days are just in a daze right now," said Tou Xiong, Mai Vue's brother.
The families of Mai and Phia Vue offered FOX6 News a glimpse of the grief they're carrying right now and the people they miss so much.
"They struggled a lot through life. They're very kind, they always gave more than what they had," said Tou.

Mai Vue's brother says the couple's apartment building didn't have a laundry unit, so the pair bought a washer and dryer and let the neighbors use it too.
"All the apartments they shared it with," said Tou.

Tou Xiong
The Vue's have four young children, ranging from age four to 16, who are now orphans.
"They don't have anything saved up. Their kids right now are in need of pretty much anything that anybody can give them," said Tou.
The Vue's extended family is looking after their kids right now, while also trying to figure out how to afford their funerals.
"In our culture, funerals are 2-3 days long. It's going to cost a lot and we have to do two funerals," said Tou.
The families have started a GoFundMe page to help with the costs of those funerals.
Milwaukee’s Hmong community is inviting the public to gather for a candlelight vigil to remember the victims. The event will be held on Sunday from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. at 3330 S. 92nd St. in Milwaukee. Invited speakers will begin the vigil at 5 p.m. The candle lighting will take place at 6:15p.m.