"Keep the Change:" New initiative officially launched in Milwaukee to combat panhandling
MILWAUKEE -- A new initiative launched in Milwaukee on Wednesday, March 30th in an effort to stop panhandling.
The initiative is called "Keep the Change."
The program was developed to ensure those who really need help can get it.
City officials do not want people to give money to people who are on the streets panhandling.
Instead, they're encouraging donations to one of many agencies around the city that helps people who are homeless and in need.
"We want to encourage people who want to to contribute to people who need resources to give to the agencies who can best serve them and we want to discourage people who are simply asking for money who aren't really aren't in the need that some of our fellow citizens are to stop engaging in that behavior," Kent Lovern, deputy district attorney said.
There will now be "Keep the Change" signs around Milwaukee. Those signs will include information for those in need.