"As a female, I feel safe:" Marquette University P.D. sees "significant reduction in crime" in first full year | FOX6 Milwaukee

"As a female, I feel safe:" Marquette University P.D. sees "significant reduction in crime" in first full year

MILWAUKEE -- The Marquette University Police Department announced on Tuesday, September 20th that it recorded a significant reduction in crime throughout its patrol zone in its first full year since it was commissioned.

Marquette University

MUPD became a commissioned police department on May 1, 2015. No other private university in the state of Wisconsin has its own fully commissioned police department.

Comparing the fiscal year that ended June 30, 2016 with the previous fiscal year, MUPD’s crime reduction highlights included the following:

    "I think it goes to show that Marquette`s campus is safe. We`re really starting to see the impact that this big step of creating a police department has had," MUPD Chief Paul Mascari said.

    MUPD Chief Paul Mascari

    Abby Snell and Tadhg Scully said they've never experienced crime firsthand on the MU campus. The new report shows the same can be said for a growing number of their classmates.

    "As a female, I feel safe," Snell said.

    Right now, officials say MUPD has 40 commissioned officers who receive the state-mandated 520 hours of training, as well as a psychological review, medical evaluation and drug test. All officers also receive training in homeless outreach, crisis intervention and fair and impartial policing.


    "We can handle things from beginning to end.  We`re able to make arrests now.  We can process those on campus, rather than call the Milwaukee Police Department," Chief Mascari said.

    Students said they've seen a greater police presence -- and less crime alerts in their email inboxes.

    "I`ve noticed patrols coming around even more often," Scully said.

    Marquette University

    MU police officers don't just patrol campus -- they also patrol streets just off campus as well. They say becoming a fully commissioned police department is benefiting the entire neighborhood.