No spin zone: Wisconsin school district bans fidget spinners | FOX6 Milwaukee

No spin zone: Wisconsin school district bans fidget spinners

BRODHEAD, Wis. -- Fidget spinners are a popular craze marketing as stress relievers or a way to help people with ADHD or autism focus. However, they're now banned in one Wisconsin school district. School leaders say the gadgets are creating distractions and behavior issues.

According to WKOW, at Albrecht Elementary in Brodhead, Wisconsin, students and parents have been told to leave their spinners at home.

"They have lights, they have sounds, sharp edges," said Principal David Novy, Albrecht Elementary School.

While fidget spinners are billed as a way to help kids focus, Albrecht staff thought they were more of a distraction -- and classes are already incorporating new interactive fidget techniques like "MIMO," a choreographed calming curriculum.

"Parents are understanding and know we have resources here to help their kids out," said Novy.