DOT: Public meetings set for I-94 East-West Corridor study

MILWAUKEE (WITI) -- The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT )will be holding two public meetings May 21st and May 22nd regarding the I-94 East-West corridor study in Milwaukee County.

The WisDOT is making progress on an environmental and engineering analysis of the I-94 East-West Freeway Corridor. The study covers 2.85 miles of I-94 between 70th Street and 25th Street in Milwaukee County.

It includes one system interchange (US 41/WIS 341/Miller Parkway) and six service interchanges (70th Street/68th Street, Hawley Road, Mitchell Boulevard, 35th Street, 26th Street/St. Paul Avenue, and West Wisconsin Avenue/Wells Street).

The third set of open house public meetings is scheduled. The same information will be presented on both nights. Come at a time that's convenient for you: